After the movie... (A Moment To Remember)... Everyone's teary-eyed & red-nosed... check out Anne & Qiuyi.... The worst of the lot... Muahhaa...
After the movie... (A Moment To Remember)... Everyone's teary-eyed & red-nosed... check out Anne & Qiuyi.... The worst of the lot... Muahhaa...
I Am NOT a NERD... hehe..
the birthday "gal" with me n bro...
My New Watch... Present from the gals... Love it...
Before the party...
Photos R Up...
Super lagged but.. oh well...better late then never...
Anyway... below are the ones we took in Thailand... Bangkok trip...
Above are the ones i tookk at my 21st b'day party...
(Photos courtesy of Fongguan)
Everyone's tuckered out....
royal treatment
before the trip home...
trying to escape from the sun... but with dot's shadow... wasn't of much help...
Us... being stupid...
train ride...
Mr FG!
Qiuyi... funny pose 3
Dot... looking pretty....
Anne... funny pose 2
Liting... funny pose time...
train station... artistic shot by Mr FG
another view...
the train station...