I took it too easy... now everything's over... & i'm super regretting it... Hiaz...
Everyone who knows me from school knows that i never ever do work until the last minute... guess what... all the work caught up on me and i didn't even notice... now i'm paying the price...
i didn't sleep a wink last night. it was bad... i HAVE TO sleep... if i don't i go crazy... Conclusion... "Yun is now crazy..."
i had to skip a test today because i cannot finish my paper... bad... cos i've already failed a test in this module...
Every single one of my work is slip-shod... (is that the word...??) i cannot answer to my group project mates... but thankfully, it is graded individually, so i wun drag them into boiling water...
i am an addict... i'm addicted to procrastination... and i need to go COLD TURKEY now...
incoherent blog entry... sorry